Token Gift Cards (coming soon)

Gift Cards are NFTs containing your creator tokens that

About Token Gift Cards

Token Gift Cards are Polygon ERC721 NFTs holding a balance of creator tokens using ERC6551. There are currently 3 types of Gift Cards:

  • Small: 100 tokens

  • Medium: 1,000 tokens

  • Large: 10,000 tokens

Why Gift Cards

Most P00LS creator tokens are non-transferrable and airdropped to people who demonstrate on-chain forms of engagement through token rewards. Gift Cards essentially allow you to donate a small balance of tokens to anyone.

Think of Token Gift Cards as actual gift cards that you can send to people you meet, friends, or people you want to have in your community. You can also compare them to prepaid card that allows a holder (or a buyer) to use the tokens contained inside - through either token-gating or token-spending.

Token Gift Cards use ERC6551, which means you can pass token-gates using a Gift Card as your entry key.

How to create your token Gift Card

  • Go on the App Store

  • Select Token Gift Card

  • Choose the visual, size and, number of Gift Cards you'd like to create

  • You will receive your Gift Cards in your wallet

Last updated