P00LS Bridge

How to bridge P00LS tokens between supported blockchains

P00LS Bridge

Token holders can bridge their P00LS tokens from Ethereum to Polygon using the P00LS Bridge.

🚨You should NOT use the standard Polygon bridge to bridge P00LS tokens between multiple blockchains 🚨 Because of custom ERC20 token implementations (limited transferability, ...) you can only bridge tokens on https://bridge.p00ls.io

Bridge from Ethereum to Polygon

  1. Connect your wallet and make sure you're on the Ethereum network

  2. On the Deposit tab, choose the token symbol and token amount you'd like to bridge then click on Deposit

  3. Review the transaction information then click Validate if correct.

  4. Sign the transaction in your wallet. After signature, wait for the transaction to be processed

  5. After the transaction is processed, there is nothing else to do apart from waiting for the tokens to appear in your Polygon wallet. This should be relatively fast, but if the network is busy this could take up to a few hours.

Bridge from Polygon to Ethereum

  1. Connect your wallet and make sure you're on the Ethereum network

  2. On the Withdraw tab, choose the token symbol and token amount you'd like to bridge then click on Withdraw

  3. Same step 3 as above

  4. Same step 4 as above

  5. After the transaction is processed, you'll have to claim your Ethereum tokens. Click on View Transaction to proceed to next step

  6. Wait for the transaction to be fully validated (3 steps out of 3). This process may take up to 24 hours, depending on network congestion and backend proven blockchain states.

  7. Once the transaction is marked as "Checkpointed", click on Withdraw

  8. Sign the Withdrawal transaction in your wallet. This transaction is subject to Ethereum gas fees which fluctuate based on network congestion

  9. Your withdrawal is complete and your tokens are in your wallet

Last updated