Token Quick Facts

Default settings, allocation, distribution method and supported blockchains

All P00LS tokens start with the same default settings and characteristics described below.

Default Settings

Standard Token Allocations

Every P00LS token has the same default token allocation. This allocation can be modified over time.

Token Allocation% of supply







Weekly Rewards

By default, creator tokens are automatically and continuously sent to holders each weekly who are eligible based on their on-chain engagements. These are called Weekly Rewards.

  • Recurring Distribution - Creator tokens are directly distributed every Friday at 12PM ET to eligible wallets.

  • Engagement-Based Distribution - Tokens are distributed to holders who have proven some sort of engagement (eg. holding an NFT, following on Lens, etc.).

  • Fully On-Chain - Tokens are automatically airdropped to all eligible wallets. There is no such thing as an off-chain balance, what you see on the blockchain is the actual, up-to-date, token balance for a given address.

It is also possible through the Creator Portal to create:

Creator tokens have a high max supply (10 billion units) to make sure enough distribution cycles can happen before the need to mint more tokens.

See Token Distribution for more information.


P00LS tokens are minted and distributed on several blockchains at the same time. The list of supported blockchains is growing over time. By default, tokens are minted on both Ethereum Mainnet and Polygon, but airdropped on Polygon only.

List of supported blockchains

  • Ethereum Mainnet

  • Polygon

To request a new blockchain integration, please fill out this form.

Last updated