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Web3 Enabled Website, Token Gated Exclusive Content, Gated NFT Drop, Exclusive NFT Drop Experience,

Time to complete :

  • Gated page with mint: 45-80 minutes (est)

  • Full website: 2 hrs - a few days (est)

Bonfire Basics

tldr; Create a web3 enabled website. Steps to create an account, import your tokens, and create gates. The gates can then be applied to any of the modules. The guide shows reusable gates and single-use gates. These gates can be used for exclusive NFT drops (integrations from Sound or Decent), to embed Shopify, chats, and more.

What you will need

  • Wallet or email to start account

  • Token contract addresses

  • Optional: An idea and assets for building your webpage


Utilize Bonfire pages to launch your latest song or product, offering custom private fan experiences and the option to include gated chats. This web3-enabled platform lets you construct your unique world using modular design, akin to Wix, and supports ERC20 token integration for gating and wallet connectivity. Traditional fans are not left out as Bonfire supports Credit Cards for drops and wallet creation for newcomers. Additionally, Bonfire boasts robust integrations with Sound Protocol and Lens.

Gate Requirement Recommendations:

Having a general requirement to view all or most channels can help with eliminating bot accounts and bad actors while creating exclusivity for your whole community. Setting a second requirement can create more exclusivity for your biggest holders and most engaged fans. We recommend determining exclusivity with 1 years worth of rewards, basing exclusivity on an annualized “reward size”. For example:

Reward Size
Reward Level

Top 10%




Top 50%




Top 75%




Top 85%




Top 95%



General Admission

Create an Account to Get Started

  1. Go to the Dashboard sign in page

  2. You can sign up using your email or wallet

  1. If using email, input the email address you’d like to associate with your Bonfire account and click Sign In

  2. You should see a message notifying you to click the link in your email to continue signing in

  3. If using a wallet, connect your wallet

  4. Click Sign In or sign the transaction on your wallet

  5. Follow the onboarding process

  6. Connect a custom domain if you have one

Home page

Navigations found in the panel on the left

Import your tokens

You can import ERC-20, POAP’s, and any ERC-1155, or ERC-721 contract on Ethereum or Polygon, and from Base and Optimism in just a few clicks!

  1. In your dashboard, click Collections > Import Contract

  2. Fill out the details to import the token contract

    • Choose the Network your tokens are on

    • Copy-paste the contract address

      • Token IDs (Optional) means the contract you’re importing includes several tokens that aren’t yours. This usually happens with “platform contracts”, e.g. Zora has a single contract and they’re minting every creator’s token under that one contract.

    • Nickname (Optional) mean we will use the nickname you give your collection over it’s official name

    • Click Import Contract

Set Reusable Gates

  1. Go to Gates

  2. Click Create Gate

  3. Choose a Name

  4. Add an Icon (optional)

  5. Select the Gate Requirements

    1. You can gate by one or many assets, All or Any

  6. Click Add a Requirement

  7. Pick your token’s network and copy and paste the contract address

  8. Enter an amount of tokens needed to pass the gate (Recommendations)

*Only use numbers do not use , commas

  1. Click Save

To create more complex requirements, click “Add Requirement” and stack tokens with NFTs.

  1. If you already have pages built and want to apply this gate click “Add Rewards”

    • Associate rewards with your Gate by clicking Add Rewards - choose from Pages, Content, or Custom rewards

      • Page will give holders access to gated pages - just click on the pages you’d like to select

      • Audio will give holders access to gated audio - just click on the audio you’d like to select

      • Video will give holders access to gated videos - just click on the videos you’d like to select

      • Custom will give holders access to private links, text or promo codes - just type in the text or choose Promo Code

Create A Gate For A Specific Page (not reusable)

  1. Go to Pages

  2. Select Token Gating

  3. Use the top menu to choose or create a Page

  4. Select Custom Audience - you can gate by one or many assets, all or any

  5. Pick your network and copy and paste the contract address

  6. Click Add Gate

Gated Chats

  1. Go to Threads

  2. Choose the page, drop or piece of content you’d like to enable threads for

  3. Click on the settings icon

  4. Toggle on Enable thread (this is also where you disable threads)

  5. You’ll have the option to clear chat history or pause a thread making it read-only

  6. Choose the layout between floating or fixed

  7. You’ll be able to gate the thread by one or many collections. Learn here how to 🔐Gates

  8. Click Save

Create Gated NFT Sale on Bonfire

  1. From the Home screen go to Drops

  2. Select Create New Drop

  3. Select Create NFT Drop

  1. Enter in all of your song details

  2. Finish the creation process

  3. Use a Mint Block to put your NFT on sale

  4. You can gate this page

Exclusive Branded NFT Buying Experience

*You will already need to have created the NFT sale on Soundxyz

  1. Navigate to Bonfire Dashboard > Drops > NFT Drops

  2. Click Create NFT Drop

  3. Select Import Drop

  4. Select the chain the drop is created on

  1. Input the smart contract address of the drop created on Sound

  2. Click Import Collection

  3. Fill out your collection details

    1. Description

    2. Secondary Marketplace link (you can come back to this after minting out, so that your fans can buy from this link)

    3. Upload media (choose from visual, audio or video)

    4. click Submit

  4. Optional - Associate rewards with your Drop by clicking Add Rewards - choose from Pages, Content, or Custom rewards

    1. Page will give holders access to gated pages - just click on the pages you’d like to select

    2. Audio will give holders access to gated audio - just click on the audio you’d like to select

    3. Video will give holders access to gated videos - just click on the videos you’d like to select

    4. Custom will give holders access to private links, text or promo codes - just type in the text or choose Promo Code

  5. Optional - Enable Credit Card Checkout by clicking Verify (follow the KYC process. This will require an ID) and toggle on Enable Buy with Card. For more information on Credit Card Checkout, review this FAQ section.

  6. Use the Mint Block and select the drop

  7. Brand the page with images and audio and video

  8. Gate the page so the experience is exclusive

Last updated