Create a Membership

Create a Membership/Season Pass with a start and end time, perfect for campaigns, tours, and releases, and take control of your content production and event cycle.

  1. Go to Bonfire's main menu on the left of the screen and click on "Passes" then choose "Create Pass" under the Membership tab

  1. Choose Membership

  1. Select to use your previously added P00LS token select, "Use existing Collection"

  1. Choose "Custom Membership Requirement"

  1. To start setting up your requirement, choose the network your token is on and update contract address.

    1. Choose the Specify the token amount required for the membership tier.

    2. Add a link where fans can learn more about the rewards for the token.

    3. Click “Next”

  1. Name the tier and add a description of its benefits

  2. Click "Create" to add the membership tier

Last updated